Monday, 10 January 2011

Where have I been?

Anywhere but on here! Still not a fan of blogging!
Moving on.. I passed my first year and in my second year! Im in ICT now 2-4 (Kill me now!)
Christmas was amazing just trying to get back into routine of getting up early and trying to stay awake through lessons!
We've got a Uni trip this Thursday to London so that should be fun, minus the fact we have to be in the Uni by 6!!
I'm off now, i'll update you next week, because its compulsory.. althoguh looking back I guess its good, I've already laughed at what I wrote from last year, one day I'll thank Mandy!
Gutted we've got Uni on a monday, not just 1hour but 4 long hours!!! then straight to Sign Language by 4:30, I have a very busy life atm and feeling very tired after a long weekend at work, what I'd give to have my Mondays back!

Oh and I have/ had a crazy house mate called Lauren who I personally always got along with, however she moved out over Christams leaving me and the other two girls with a giant bill for gas and eletric over the winter period and paying her share of the rent, until or if we are lucky enough to find another house mate! So all you students out there moving into a house with Uni friends... make sure you know your house mates or have individual contracts because quite frankly we're in shit!!

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